Music to your ears

Uncertain Proportions’ FamilyTool

A modular synthesizer add-on
Contribution: Brand design, communications, interface design, concept development

Uncertain Proportions is a somewhat known music duo, always fiddling and experimenting with analogue synthesizers. They had the idea to build and market their own modular synth extension – the FamilyTool. A synthesizer you could easily plug into Moog’s hardware (a quite famous manufacturer of these instruments) and thereby gazilion-ize its musical possibilities.

After the prototype was born, we were tasked with creating a quirky, weird and stellar identity for the brand and support during the upcoming kickstarter campaign to get the FamilyTool into production.

After the campaign had unfortunately failed, UNCPROP decided to market the FamilyTool as a DIY unit, where interested individuals would buy the single pieces of the tool, solder and hack the unit together themselves – a common practice in the community.

The FamilyTool was sold for more than four years around the globe and is still a treasured extension for its users,


Branding of FamilyTool, a modular synthesizer addition


Uncertain Proportions


Concept Design, Identity and Brand Design, Communications, Web Design