written by Astrid Kohlmeier & Meera Klemola

“Legal Design” Book Project
Contribution: Concept Design, Layout, Production Support, Web Design
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer & Self-Published

The Legal Design Book emerged as a comprehensive guide, demystifying legal intricacies through thoughtful design and insightful content. Its pages are a testament to the marriage of legal expertise and design thinking, offering a roadmap for lawyers and laypeople alike to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape.

Divided into digestible chapters, the book covers a wide range of topics, from contract design and visualizing legal processes to user-friendly legal technology and the principles of ethical legal design. Each section is carefully crafted to empower readers with the knowledge and skills needed to engage with the law confidently.


As the book took its final form, the creators envisioned it not just as a static guide but as a dynamic tool for change. They integrated interactive elements, case studies, and real-world examples to inspire a culture of legal innovation. The Legal Design Book became more than just a book; it became a catalyst for a paradigm shift in the legal field.

The Legal Design Book stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and the belief that the law should be accessible to all. It remains a beacon for those seeking to transform the legal profession and redefine the relationship between individuals and the law.

The success of The Legal Design Book extends beyond its content; it lies in the deliberate design choices that make the complexities of law not only understandable but also engaging. Every page of the book is a testament to the principles of legal design, featuring a thoughtful layout, intuitive navigation, and a visual language that speaks directly to the reader. The design hierarchy is carefully orchestrated, guiding the audience through each concept with clarity and precision. From easily digestible infographics that distill legal principles to illustrative case studies that bring real-world applications to life, the book seamlessly weaves together text and visuals to create a cohesive and immersive learning experience.

An abundance of illustrations serves as more than mere decoration; they are powerful tools for comprehension. Complex legal structures are deconstructed into visually intuitive diagrams, transforming abstract ideas into tangible, relatable visuals. This not only facilitates understanding but also fosters a sense of empowerment, allowing readers to grasp legal concepts in a way that transcends traditional, text-heavy approaches. The balance between text and imagery is a key feature, ensuring that the content is not overwhelming, and readers can absorb information at their own pace.

The design of The Legal Design Book is a deliberate choice to break down barriers, making legal knowledge accessible to a wider audience. The book’s visual richness enhances the educational experience, making it equally valuable for both seasoned legal professionals and individuals with no formal legal training. By embracing a user-centric design philosophy, the creators of the book have transformed a traditionally dense and intimidating subject into an inviting, approachable resource that empowers readers to navigate the legal landscape with confidence and understanding.


The Legal Design Book


Wolters Kluwer


Concept Design, Layout, Production Support, Web Design, Campaign